Newsletter vom 07. Oktober 2022

Newsletter vom 07. Oktober 2022

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde von „Back on Track“,
unsere Wünsche für einen ausnahmsweise verregneten Altweibersommer sind zumindest teilweise in Erfüllung gegangen … und schon sehen wir uns vor neuen Herausforderungen und hoffen, dass der Winter nicht zu kalt und die Energiekosten auch für unsere Büroräume nicht zu hoch werden. Aber bisher haben wir alle Klippen umschifft - das wird uns mit eurer Unterstützung auch weiterhin gelingen.
Denn gebraucht werden wir, so viel steht fest:

Besuch bei den afghanischen Kindern im Mittelhof

Am 11.09. haben wir unser Kooperationsprojekt mit dem Verein “Meehr e.V.” im Mittelhof besucht. Dort im beschaulichen Zehlendorf kommen genau wie bei uns jeden Sonntag Kinder zusammen, die durch Krieg und Flucht Lernstoff verpasst und viel aufzuholen haben - nur, dass es im Mittelhof keine arabischsprachigen, sondern afghanische Kinder sind, die von Dari/Farsi sprechende Mentor*innen unterstützt werden.


Möglich geworden ist dieses Kooperationsprojekt durch eine Förderung von “Deutschland rundet auf” und der “Werner Coenen Stiftung”. Back on Track begleitet dabei “Integrationshelfer Meehr e.V.” fachlich, hilft dem Verein beim Aufbau eigener Strukturen und bildet die Mentor*innen aus. Besonders gefreut hat uns zu sehen, dass es sich bei den meisten Mentor*innen um afghanische Oberschüler*innen handelt, die selbst erst vor wenigen Jahren nach Deutschland gekommen sind. Das macht Mut für die Zukunft!

Kinderschutz und Gewaltfreie Kommunikation im BAB-Projekt

Für die Teilnehmer*innen unserer Weiterbildung “BAB - Bereit für Arbeit im Bildungsbereich” ging es im September und geht es weiterhin vor allem um die “Softskills”: Kinderrechte/Kinderschutz umsetzen, gewaltfrei kommunizieren und mit Trauma umgehen lernen. Alles große Themen, die nicht nur für die Schule und die Kita wichtig sind, sondern für viele Teilnehmer*innen auch für den eigenen Familienalltag eine Hilfestellung geben können.


Gleichzeitig geht es gerade zu Vorstellungsterminen für die im November anstehenden Praktika. Unten im Bild seht ihr den Kurs mit GfK-Trainern Barbara Leitner.

Unser jährliches Teamwochenende …

haben wir zum dritten Mal in Folge im Gästehaus der Stadtmission im brandenburgischen Gussow verbracht.


Vom 23. - 25.09. haben wir dort bei gemeinsamem Kochen und Essen neue Mentor*innen besser kennengelernt - und sie uns 🙂 und im Format eines Weltcafés für das nächste Jahr geplant. Viel zu planen und nachzudenken gab es: Wie haben sich in den letzten beiden Jahren die Bedarfe unserer Zielgruppen verändert? Welche Zielgruppen wollen wir nächstes Jahr noch mehr unterstützen? und und und …


Aber natürlich ist auch Spaß und Spiel nicht zu kurz gekommen: Gemeinsam sind wir gerudert, haben Ball, Karten und Schach gespielt und am Lagerfeuer gemeinsam Musik gemacht. Hier ein paar Eindrücke:

Schichtwechsel im Bundesfreiwilligen-Team und studentische Verstärkung

Seit dem 1. Oktober ist nun auch unser Bundesfreiwilligenteam wieder komplett. An die Stelle von Israa, Sari und Anton sind nun Jasmin, Suzan und Haidy getreten und gehen uns sowohl in der Geschäftsstelle als auch in der Kiezspinne und Ulme35 zur Hand.


Und es gibt für die Herbstmonate sogar noch mehr Verstärkung: Die Studenten Philip und Arno absolvieren bei uns ein dreimonatiges Praktikum und werden in dieser Zeit vor allem unsere Lerntreffen evaluieren.


Alle gemeinsam haben sich vorgenommen, unsere Social Media Auftritte auf Vordermann zu bringen! Da sind auch unsere afghanischen Kolleg*innen Akmal und Najib mit von der Partie. Seid gespannt!

Auch diesmal dürfen wir uns wieder bedanken, nämlich für die Förderung unserer Lerntreffen durch die Stiftung Berliner Sparkasse. Herzlichen Dank dafür!
Wenn ihr noch mehr Ideen habt, wer - welche Firma auf der Weihnachtsfeier oder welcher Onkel beim runden Geburtstag - für uns Spenden sammeln könnte: Wir sind wir immer dankbar für eure Ideen, damit wir immer noch mehr Kinder und Jugendliche unterstützen können.
In diesem Sinne einen freundlichen Herbst wünscht euch mit dem gesamten Team

Ihre und Eure
Petra Becker

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But who should be subdued first Is it the mischievous boy Xinghun, or the glamorous and noble beautiful royal sister Luna Xiao Qian pondered slightly.The Pok mon world has a special environment, and the training effect is extremely outstanding.

The temperature is above 10,000 degrees.Seeing this, the Fire Dinosaur couldn t help but his eyes lit up.Do you want to be my girlfriend or not Hurry up and answer Xiao Qian said impatiently.

When Ma Zhishi saw that Leiqiu couldn t discharge, he was also a little anxious Leiqiu dodged the opponent s attack.Besides, Xiao Qian doesn t intend to be Xiaozhi s nanny, so Xiao Qian s strategy for making friends with Xiaozhi is to create an image of an aloof and peerless expert, otherwise he wouldn t spend so much effort on such a big scene.

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Although it is not as powerful as Hu Di, it is much stronger than ordinary humans.

Elder Cui, take out other things and have a look Tsk tsk Seeing Luo ZEYTİNYAĞI 50 Yaş Üstü Erkekler İçin VİAGRA’dan Daha İyi Olabilir mi? | Dr. Barbara O'neill [HCwHtHg3XTg] Chen being so casual, Cui Yue was amazed.With suspicious eyes, Luo Chen remained motionless.

Looking at Li Han with wide eyes. Not bad Li Han nodded, but didn t say much.Luo s conditions are too heavy. Tianyin will stay in Ziwu Villa for a while.

Seeing this, Bingfeng sneered You still want to deceive us Do you think I can t feel the strangeness in the blue hall While speaking, Bingfeng and several Demon Emperors had already flown to the palace wall, standing dozens of meters away from the powerful 🫢SHOCKING! BARIATRIC SURGERY VS ZEBPOUND WEIGHT LOSS & WEGOVY WEIGHT LOSS // BIOPTIMIZERS [sPD4HUh5N_m] human beings.Hearing this sound, Luo Zhennan and Luo Zhennan The already stern faces of Tianhe and Luo Tianyu were filled with solemnity, and they looked at the Ziwei Cave with its stone door tightly closed, full of worry.

It didn t move or teleport in the void. It just appeared there, as if it had never experienced the previous second.As he spoke, he looked towards the scene. At this moment, dozens of Yuanci artillery fire also exploded.

Yan no longer took the carriage, and the three of them headed directly towards Danku.Roar Kill On the opposite side, Luo Chen stepped on the giant flaming bird and held the thundering spiritual sword, and he also attacked with the same ferocity.

He still held the hilt of the sword tightly in his jade hand and shouted again Who are you, Your Excellency It doesn t matter who I am Li Yuxi shook her head and looked back at Shangguan Fei er.The withered old man shook the storage ring in his hand and said with a smile Island Master Zhang, the leader of the ghost army is dead.

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And in this confrontation. As time went by, another golden elixir powerhouse from outside Leiyu arrived at Ziwu Villa.Instead, he looked at Mo Shen and asked Chief Mo, what about you Like Brother Bai, I am willing to join forces, and I would like to ask Leader Hun to come up with a suitable way to join forces.

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As if to celebrate, at this moment, countless lights lit up around the square, lighting up the entire huge square as bright as day.Following the sound, a disciple of Ziwu Villa who was welcoming guests came out of the villa gate in bright clothes and stood neatly on the road leading to the villa.

However, Luo Chen did not hold the Ghana Fish Pepper Soup for Weight Loss | Keto Recipes [TmzBOdaM1HH] Hun Xiaojian this time, and directly said deeply Do you want the position of enshrining the elder of Ziwu Villa Hearing this, the eager Hun Xiaojian was startled.Now that it was difficult to recruit high level weapon refiners, Luo Chen had to ask more questions.

Well I came here to talk to father about something, and after that, I m going to enter the Ziwei Cave for seclusion Looking at Luo Tianhe, who was already in the middle stage of the True Yuan realm, Luo Chen smiled and nodded, and then continued Father, How was the last disciple trial Have you found the formation center of Mo Alcohol stops fat burning, and stops weight loss? Dietitian responds [dSwLFk7aCZg] Yuan Hearing this, the smile on Lower Body Workouts For Womenshortslowerbodyworkout exerciseweightloss workouthealthandfitness [InsGL_0MaOo] Luo Tianhe s face slowly faded, and he shook his head helplessly No Mo Yuan is really too big.

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The Yao Demon looked at the blood array plate in the hand of the man in the hat and asked hesitantly Special envoy, is this the message from the secret man in Zhenmo Zuodian good He wanted to see the envoy and explain in person why he did not send out the news in time that the sub rudder was destroyed The man in the hat nodded.

A bluestone square was built in the open space, and a giant flying boat of more than fifty feet was parked in the square.I don t know why the village owner wanted to build the sect here Hearing this , Zhao Li and Leng Feng, who Upper Body Workout: How to Lose Arm Fat [lXyc_mieYfT] were also looking at the withered flowers and grass, glanced at Han Xiaobao.

Next to him, Mu Lao, Luo Tianhe and a group of elders from Ziwu Villa also beamed with joy after hearing what Yan Lao said, and immediately bowed again and saluted I ll wait, Welcome Yan Lao to Ziwu Villa It doesn t have to be like this, just feel free to do it Seeing Luo Chen like this, Mr.Of course, Yunchuan went to Hanming Island not just to inquire.

But before Luo Chen could say anything, Shangguan Fei er stood directly in front of him this time, and then spoke sternly to Wantong and the others Do you three know what you are doing The method of forging this spiritual weapon is What our Kasyapa Academy and Ziwu Villa have perfected together is the property of Lizzo shows off dramatic weight-loss [f9y_R8k6sj2] our Kasyapa Academy If you want to take away the spiritual weapon forging method from Ziwu Villa today, you are taking away from my Kasyapa Academy.

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Obviously, this is the lair of the golden giant crocodile When Soul Power saw this scene, Luo Chen s heart sank to the bottom of his heart.He just looked at Old Yan with a smile, waiting for him to make a decision.

What will happen when the teleportation array is built is completely different.people There were whispers on the flying boat, and among the discussions among the warriors, they finally focused their attention on the old man.

But Shu Youdao was half a beat slower at this moment, and the birdman had already flown into the sky above where they were.Considering its preciousness, it also reduced the amount of jade rubber.

He came up behind Ji Chengzhan and lost no time in speaking Uncle, there is also a method for forging spiritual weapons Now it is basically certain that Ziwu Villa does have a complete method for forging spiritual weapons.It is natural to extract the elemental vein inside and carry out predatory mining.

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Well, two people came out this time The fat faced old man nodded.Anyway, this Zen Buddha Lotus is dispensable to him.

You stinky boy, what the hell As soon as he saw Luo Chen, Mr. Yan yelled angrily, but as soon as he spoke, Mr.He really didn t pay attention to these things, but he didn t expect these evil spirits to be so bold.

The alchemy cauldron is green in color, and the entire cauldron is covered with lotus shaped spiritual patterns, exuding a lively and heavy aura.Everything happened in the blink of an eye From the moment the towering sword light shot straight into the sky, to the time when everyone showed shocked emotions, only one second passed.

Yan looked at the huge broken iron chain in front of him and spoke solemnly.Luo Chen is not a petty person, but he ALPHABITES REVIEW (⚠️BEWARE!⚠️) ALPHA BITES REVIEWS, ALPHABITES MALE ENHANCEMENT GUMMIES, ALPHABITES [gR_2zoVCSP7] will never forget that Qiu Yan bullied him at the entrance of the Alchemy Academy and beat him until he vomited blood.

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Under the calcining of bone white flames, ferocious faces were changing in the crystal, and shrill sounds were heard.Everyone has their own preferences, and a great alchemist like Mr.

Made wedding clothes. They also wanted to snatch it back, but as soon Nidra Nutrition Sleep Well Gummies | Restful Sleep [LKDvVPT893k] as they saw the old monk Zizai Wangfo, they had no idea at all.It appears that boundless Bodhisattvas surround it Revealing boundless magical powers Numerous and complex magical techniques from the Snowy Mountains, after being transformed by Taiyuan Tianchi, formed a very easy to understand form and were poured into Qiu Ping s brain.

He looked back, but he couldn t even see the shadow of the second place.And since Doube has favored Wes Watson viagra requested by Gabi. weswatson [imnXvnSnL6k] it, wouldn t it be inappropriate for us to interfere like this Although there are occasional disputes among the eight tribes in the heaven, peace is generally maintained.

behind him. Circle after circle of densely packed scales appeared on the sundial, and a dark shadow was slowly rotating, as if the shadow was moving along with the scales as the sun turned.I can also help you get the chance to take a fortune test when the time comes Senior Sister Qin was quite mentally strong, and after a slight adjustment, she spoke to Qiu Ping.

The narrow roads in Changning County were crowded with onlookers on both sides.Although Qiu Ping is not smart, he is not too stupid either.

The two are the path of demon beasts, taking the path of digging for blood and relying on the shadow of ancestors.The old ghost floated out of the bottle and took the book in his hand.

At this moment, Xiao Qinglong came to life. The moment Xiao Weight Loss and the Excersise Controversy [DBYBsFcEBZF] Qinglong opened his eyes, Qiu Ping s perspective quickly changed.He just waited. When he came back to his senses, he found that his time quota for today was no longer enough.

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Also stuck to How to lose fat and Gain Muscle | Hamstring Workout [ge-BuTLfZJZ] the ground was Gu Xiaowan. Qiu Ping activated his magic power, only to feel that it was stagnant and heavy.The River Styx is How to Overcome Hypothyroidism for Weight Loss: Dilshad's Experience | Indian Weight Loss Diet [tDUsaUVZol7] located in the deepest part of Abi Hell, and all the most ferocious and resentful thoughts that cannot die will be deposited here.

The other gods around him did not dare to speak. They clearly felt the low pressure 4 Weeks to Reduce PCOS Belly Fat pcos [M31vmrmXOE6] in the air.However, Qiu Ping has communicated a lot with the other party in the car these days, which will help him a lot in how to condense the realm later.

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Cao Xin had not left the blessed land for almost half a year.With just one glance, he felt that his understanding of the One line Heavenly Sword had been greatly enhanced.

Qiu Ping didn t waste any time and slapped all six words into his forehead.Youhui is a disaster that comes from the heaven to the human world.

He was directly pierced by the divine light, and his body was annihilated into nothingness.The favor she received from her parents was so great that it was extremely difficult to give it up or repay it.

This destructive power originated from space, but it transcended space.Unless there is someone who is proficient in the laws of time and restarts the time tributaries.

These constant comings and goings of people are all taxes for Little Loach.Why don t you go to Abi Hell There are many monsters there, enough for you to use.

It will be said to the outside world that there are rich resources here, and outsiders can be allowed to come and develop it.Qiu Ping couldn t understand it, but fortunately, he didn t need to understand it.

No matter where he escapes, he will be covered by this power.He secretly regretted in his heart, what s the use of coming to this ghost place If he were sent directly to the Treasure Pavilion, just relying on his ability to dig three feet into the ground, wouldn t it be a big deal Old man, do you know what s valuable here If you don t tell me, I ll break your legs Qiu Ping made a fierce expression at the old man.

Qiu Ping stared at the hole with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.It is so vast that it is even called the Yellow Spring Sea.

Bang. Qiu Ping flashed, stretched out a finger, and touched the strange bird s eyebrows.No strong person in the Yuanshen realm can just stay in place and let you attack.

The moment he heard this voice, his head seemed to have been hit, and his brain was shocked.Qiu Ping casually opened a page. Fortunately, it didn t contain any harsh words.

Compared to these giant dragons, the gap was really big.Fortunately, these monsters were all made of paper, otherwise I would have really fallen here today.

Otherwise, those who stand out will always be targeted.If Lei Bu s Five Thunder Taiye Treasure Barrier surprised him, the Tianqi ax would scare him to death.

Most of the time, the Hidden Sky and Sea Flag was enough to deal with it.Determine Qiu Ping was startled, but his brain was spinning rapidly.

Crack. Qiu Ping waved his hand violently, and the space crack was like a whip, slashing towards Ao Cang s body.Look at this appearance, I have been promoted. The promotion is the sixth grade However, because you are only lifting for the time being, the grade is temporarily the sixth grade.

It is rich in Qiu Ping pulled Song Changgeng s sleeve and crackled in his mouth.Ding ding ding. Each of them held a blood red weapon in their hands, but the texture was like flesh and blood.